My Top Dishes of 2016.

My Top Dishes of 2016.

While I’ve started a monthly version of this roundup (AugustSeptember, October, November, December — coming soon!) and I even managed a six-month review back in June, I thought now was a good time to reflect on some of the most amazing dishes I’ve had during the year.  When 2016 started, I don’t think I had any idea how much food I would eat, the places it would take me, or the people it would introduce me to (I got a best friend from food, how cool is that?).  I met chefs and PR professionals and all sorts of other industry types, which has all been amazing given I really didn’t get going with this blog until April.  I’ve been very fortunate this year and I am very optimistic about what 2017 has in store (#happythankyoumoreplease).

In reviewing my many (many!) notes and thoughts about food, I’m proud that I tried many types of cuisines and a lot of dishes.  I dined in Bali and Nepal, across the UAE and a few cities in the US.

I don’t think I can rank these dishes, because I would have any of them again at a moment’s notice.  So, here’s what I liked best in 2016:

  1. Fregola with Truffle, STAY by Yannick Alleno
  2. Peking Duck, Tim Raue style, Dragonfly by Tim Raue
  3. Bloody Mary soup, Locavore

What were your favorite plates of 2016?  Any recommendations?

A to Za'atar
Me, with Chef Yannick, after he was nice enough to shave truffles for Zoe and I.




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