Weekend Links

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

I just…didn’t have a lot of energy this week.  I’m not sure what to attribute it to, but I basically got on with my minimum activities (some form of exercise, and 1,000 words a day on my current manuscripts) and that’s about it.  I did […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A steady week with lots of words, aka, my kind of week.  I also watched an absolute ton of Bargain Mansion on HGTV, and now I want to paint an accent wall in my office.  I walked Poppy, our foster dog.  On the topic of […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

I tentatively revoke the ‘Corona Edition’ addition on the links.  We’re certainly not down to the numbers in New Zealand, but the UAE is finally in a downward trend (mostly).  I had some actual (?) progress (??) this week. Two calls yielded the potential of […]

Weekend links, Corona Edition #11.

Weekend links, Corona Edition #11.

It was a very strange week for many reasons.  Two people approached me for work, and didn’t seem to be able to understand the concept of ‘no.’  For the big company (and the individual), I knew I wasn’t a good fit for the requested work, […]

Weekend links, Corona Edition #10.

Weekend links, Corona Edition #10.

I had one low day where I just couldn’t do anything, but otherwise, it was a good week.  I made it to K9 Friends for the first time since March, I wrote a lot, and I am still doing my best to continue exercising. Love […]

Weekend links, Corona Edition #9.

Weekend links, Corona Edition #9.

A week of progress (mostly).  I’m working on two new books (I have my reasons), and other than some strange cravings (movie popcorn with M&Ms — why?), it’s been another week of about the same.  Although we did manage to get our aircon fixed, as […]

Weekend links, Corona Edition #8.

Weekend links, Corona Edition #8.

Not going to lie – this week was a super weird struggle.  Having finished the edit of a novel on Saturday, I’ve been drifting all week.  While there are infinite projects to start, I can’t decide the specific direction.  Do I edit another old manuscript?  […]

Weekend links, Corona Edition #7.

Weekend links, Corona Edition #7.

This week flew by, and I’m beginning to think my entire concept of time is now forever skewed. Yes, Dubai restaurants are open again, but with our numbers still rising/holding steady, I have no desire to leave the house and interact with more than 4 […]

Weekend links, Corona Edition #6.

Weekend links, Corona Edition #6.

I finished editing a book (sort of).  I’m 95% through the second draft of a book (cutting over 10,000 words), but the tedious work is still ahead.  I did fairly well in my attempts to not drink, but cracked on Monday night and split a […]