I finished editing a book (sort of). I’m 95% through the second draft of a book (cutting over 10,000 words), but the tedious work is still ahead. I did fairly well in my attempts to not drink, but cracked on Monday night and split a bottle of wine with Hubs. Ups and downs, people. We’ve been watching a fair amount of Australian Masterchef (a fave in our household, no matter what’s going on in the world).
- Family Meal, graphic design + NYC restaurants = raising money.
- How do you feel about expiration dates during these times?
- Are you into sourdough? How about a virtual tour of many of the varieties?
- I would 100% buy this wine (and love the collab).
- Food Sheikh’s latest issue of 86.
- Excellent reading. Not to go into a tangent, but only a few ‘influencers’ I follow seem to understand the tone during these times. The rest are being consistently unfollowed. #readtheroomBecky
- Tea + gin = has my interest.
- Waiting for this to be available in Dubai.
- Unrelated to food, but I found this soothing (a good way to unfollow people on Twitter).
- The business of staying in business for restaurants.
- This would never be available in Dubai, but a girl can dream.
- Back in my home state, Governor Kemp is being an idiot, and Atlanta restaurants aren’t having it.
- To close, let Mr. Tucci whip you up a fresh Negroni.
- Never thought about it, but what goes into hospital vending machines?
- HK restaurants on how to reopen.
- I was on the radio yesterday (and looking forward to when I can go back to the studio).
This weekend will be more of the same. We did very well this week cooking for ourselves (no meals ordered), so we’ll probably give ourselves a break at some point during the weekend. Also, we can now leave the house!!!! I’m in no hurry to visit a mall, but I enjoyed a long walk this morning.
To those that are celebrating – Ramadan Kareem!!