Whew! There’s busy and then there’s out of control. Between publishing my new book (buy it here) and filming two episodes of What’s Cooking, UAE, volunteering at K9 Friends, a sneaky dinner at Enigma, and a business meeting and review for lunch today, I’m ready for the weekend.
- Champagne and its connection with royalty.
- Food for Soul, fighting food waste.
- Oysters from a vending machine? Not for me, but there’s a few of you who might be interested.
- A fun take on Blue Apron meals.
- Dishes to travel the world for.
- Did you catch my post on Airbnb vs. Hotels?
This weekend I’ll attempt to get back on the bike for spin class, then inhale a bucket of pasta with friends (and maybe book a trip with them – location unknown). I’m also looking forward to dining at Asado with Mary from The Caviar Spoon. What are you up to?