There was a large amount of hustle this week — I’m hoping it pays off in the weeks ahead! Keep those fingers crossed.
- Scarlet Johansson has a gourmet popcorn place in Paris, because why not? I would go.
- Someone want to send me this Try the World limited edition Michelin box?
- I always have a bit of wanderlust, so very interested in this list of best food tours around the world.
- When fictional shows get real places so right.
- Remember that time I wrote an article for Roads & Kingdoms?
- Remember that time I wrote an article for Expat Post?
- Oh, and I booked a trip to Socotra — I can’t wait!
Going to review Steaks and Kilts tomorrow night with Hubs and maybe a sneaky massage on Saturday, or a visit to Ripe Market. I’m still so far behind on my reviews… Oh well, a writer’s life for me! What are you up to this weekend?