Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Eid put a bit of a spanner in my productivity this week, but I did manage to get to a few more restaurants than usual.  Upcoming reviews will include Gaucho and Parkers (both recommended) and I’m going to a meeting today at Cycle Bistro (I’ve always been curious in their paleo menu).  Also, in case you missed it, I  had one of my worst dining experience ever at Zoco.

Your links then?

So, we’re finally off to Bali tonight!  Hubs will dive the first few days and then we’ll travel to Ubud (staying at the Four Seasons at Sayan — can’t wait).  We’ve got lots of yummy restaurants lined up and a birthday treat for the Mister.  Given how much everyone has been traveling for Eid, I am more than ready to get on the road!  And honestly, I’m hoping for a bit of rain.

I’ll try and post next week, but I think there will be a break on weekend links — after all, I’m going on vacation!

What are you up to this weekend?

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