Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Well, it’s been a week, hasn’t it?  Most important (to me, at least), we managed to get Puppy Ball done (minus a few cancellations).  At the last minute, I also had to call in for my regular Dubai Eye spot on Thursday (as no one was allowed in the studio).  The good news with many canceled events is focusing on a bit more balance (working out/drinking and eating less), and editing an upcoming book, which I hope to release in the next few weeks.  Honestly, as someone who loves being home, I’m more than okay with all this social distancing.  My husband and I are healthy, and that’s what matters most.

Some links, if you find yourself with extra time at home…

Real talk, if the UAE doesn’t close restaurants this week, I’ll be very surprised (Food Sheikh covers this topic quite well).  Knowing so many people in the industry, this is particularly devastating — and I hope everyone is ready to reopen once the world makes sense again.  I realize there is nothing I can specifically do, but I can’t wait to help support people once this is all over.

Also, in the middle of all this — it’s my birthday.  I turn 40 on Tuesday.  I’m not entirely sure how to feel about the age anyway, and with everything that’s going on, well, it all kind of goes together.  If you want to support me in any way — please consider buying one of my books (or leaving a review).

Wherever you are, please be safe and exercise caution.

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