Tag: weekend links

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

I just…didn’t have a lot of energy this week.  I’m not sure what to attribute it to, but I basically got on with my minimum activities (some form of exercise, and 1,000 words a day on my current manuscripts) and that’s about it.  I did […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A steady week with lots of words, aka, my kind of week.  I also watched an absolute ton of Bargain Mansion on HGTV, and now I want to paint an accent wall in my office.  I walked Poppy, our foster dog.  On the topic of […]

Weekend links, Corona Edition #3.

Weekend links, Corona Edition #3.

How was your week?  Are you feeling okay?  While we had fun wine tasting, with new rules in place in the UAE as of last night, I won’t be able to join Lindsay for the next two weeks.  If the two-way feature on IG Live […]

Weekend links, Corona Edition #2.

Weekend links, Corona Edition #2.

How are you doing out there, team?  Hubs officially started working from home on Wednesday, but otherwise, I’ve just been editing a ton and trying to get outside now and then (while maintaining safe distances). Really, I’ve been good about limiting my alcohol intake from […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Where did February go exactly?  Anyway, here are some links for your enjoyment. The case for waiting in line for food.  (Do you?  Have you?  I have no patience, so it’s not for me.) Defining fast food. LOVED this disclosure of how sponsored content works […]

Weekend Links.

Weekend Links.

As usual, it’s been a beat.  I’ve been out and about – ranging from purely mediocre (Nassau), to above average (The Locale, Hutong, and Nammos), to fantastic (Indochine, LPM Terrace launch, and the pop-up burger at High Joint).  Sort of a mixed bag these past […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Lots to report this week!  Is something in the water?  I’ve been sent stuff, pitched new assignments, and asked to do a fairly high-level interview (just trying to ignore my imposter syndrome over here, cool?).  Basically, I’m just trying to get ahead on some writing […]

Weekend Links.

Weekend Links.

Much as I thought January would do, we’ve more or less sprinted through it!  Since the start of the year, we’ve said goodbye to two foster animals (another three-legged cat — adopted by a friend, and a cutie Shih Tsu puppy, also in her forever […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

I wish I had more weeks like this one! A very festive book club, speaking at the closing AD Culinary Season event, and LOTS of deliveries.  I’ve had a generous group of restaurants gift me plenty of yummy foodie presents this week — let’s just […]