Tag: A to Za’atar

A to Za’atar’s tips on food blogging.

A to Za’atar’s tips on food blogging.

Of course, there are other, well more established bloggers than myself, and this is by no means the definitive list, but rather, a place to start!

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Eid put a bit of a spanner in my productivity this week, but I did manage to get to a few more restaurants than usual.  Upcoming reviews will include Gaucho and Parkers (both recommended) and I’m going to a meeting today at Cycle Bistro (I’ve […]

On Dining Alone…

On Dining Alone…

“I know what I bring to the table, so trust me when I tell you, I’m not afraid to eat alone.” ~ Unknown First of all, I love this quote.  And for reasons I won’t go into today, I’m really feeling it.  Let’s just say […]

Weekend links.

A low-key week here at A to Za’atar…  Saving up for my energy next week, perhaps? A robot that makes sushi? Sorcery with a cucumber. Article: I tried the Instagram foodie diet. This is me.  Confessions of a Coffee Non-Drinker. New dream job: Wine Queen. Buy […]

Grub Street Diet: A to Za’atar edition.

In case you are unaware, there is an excellent food website entitled Grub Street.  It is not entirely global (the focus is on New York City), but I do like many of the articles.  Now and then, they invite various foodies and other celebrities to […]

A to Za’atar video trailer.

A to Za’atar video trailer.

So, I thought it might be fun to make a ‘hype’ video of sorts for my little blog.  Let me know what you think!  (Its permanent home will be on the ‘Work With Me’ tab.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYzZoFT7ZSo  

2016: The Year So Far (Top Meals and Other Memorable Events).

2016: The Year So Far (Top Meals and Other Memorable Events).

With June soon drawing to a close, I thought it would be a good time to check in on some of the awesome meals and dishes I’ve had so far in the year.  Leaving my corporate job in January and relocating to Dubai, it took […]

Weekend Links.

Weekend Links.

Hola from the United States!  A few links I’ve collected over the week. Love this sushi kit. Can a Successful Food Blog Translate Into a Successful Restaurant? Perception is its own reality when you’re eating. Super impressed by the amount of research that went into this! […]

An American expat in Weslodge’s court…

An American expat in Weslodge’s court…

Canadian import Weslodge has been on my radar for awhile.  While the timing wasn’t particularly ideal (I had just stuffed about a kilo of sushi in my face a few hours previously), when an invite came from a dear friend on Tuesday night, how was I […]