So, someone wants you to take down an Instastory? Two versions of how this plays out.

So, someone wants you to take down an Instastory?  Two versions of how this plays out.

Hi, I’m Courtney.  In addition to this blog, I run an Instagram account called A to Za’atar (give me a follow if you haven’t already).  Before we begin, ahem, a gentle reminder that I am NOT an Influencer.

As part of my remit as a food writer/food personality, I tend to often share my experiences on social media.  Most of the time this is not a specific deliverable, but instead, a nice perk for places I’m invited to.  Furthermore, in the current market where I currently live and do most of my writing and reviews (Dubai), for reasons I don’t particularly follow, Instagram is almost the only marker that matters.  Followers, likes, even the coveted blue tick – all of this can be bought, and as my engagement is currently in the crapper, I find this especially troubling.  Mainly, because a) I low key hate Instagram as a platform, and b) I have much better traction on other platforms (and ones I would argue could matter a bit more).  Additionally, as I like to ask anyone with paying clients, what is the actual ROI of Instagram?

Anyway, for the most part, my Instastory posts are more or less an accurate, upbeat version of the meals I experience.  I try to place dishes in the best possible light so that others can see the hard work of the kitchen.  Basically, unless the experience is truly terrible, I don’t mention anything negative or constructive in the space of Instastories.  Although, if you follow my stories VERY closely, there are definite and obvious clues I give to let people know a meal hasn’t been particularly good, but I don’t tend to write that out.  Unless.  Unless they are REALLY, EPICALLY terrible.  And, even though I try to align my experiences and dining out with venues that I’m 99% sure that I will enjoy, sometimes it doesn’t work out that way.  Even when meals are unforgivable, I do not publish the details, and choose to send feedback directly to the PR firm, or straight to the team (whoever invited me).

In all honesty, I keep dishes I did not enjoy off of my Instagram feed, and as Instastories only exist for 24 hours, it never occurred to me that anyone would take them so seriously.

So, let’s go into two semi-recent situations (and a bonus hotel review experience).  In both restaurant instances I was an invited guest of the venue (as in, they specifically asked me to an event, without specific deliverables written):

  • Scene, a steak restaurant.  Things never recovered from a ‘lunch’ that was quite simply, terrible.  Top to bottom, start to finish, a very bad look for the venue.  With a table full of incredibly talented (and well-connected ladies), I wondered where on earth the gap in communication or quality control had occurred.  As this was my second visit (and the first outing was equally disappointing), I told the new GM exactly how I felt.  Now, here’s where I REALLY should have stepped up.  Instead of the handsy ‘bella, bella’ nonsense he started spouting, treating me like a professional, or, at least, a concerned customer would have been the right approach.  I posted five Instatstories, ending with how disappointed I was.  Queue the same GM calling me on my way home about ‘how we had discussed I would not post anything,’  Buddy, I made no such promise.  And you being smarmy did nothing to change my feelings.  Honestly, with two visits of equal disappointing value, I had every right to speak my mind.  In the end, because of how laws work here, I backed down, but explained I had NEVER been asked this before.  I felt it was the height of unprofessionalism for someone to ask me to take something down on what is essentially a personal social media channel.  I am an individual writer, with subjective opinions.  Anyway, I will be gleeful when this restaurant eventually closes – I can only imagine it is a matter of time.
  • Scene, a venue with an internationally recognized chef.  I’ve learned (mostly) to control my expectations when dining out in Dubai.  I’m not saying I go around to places with low expectations, more that, I have a base level of what I’m willing to accept.  Sure, I’m always on the lookout for my next favorite dish, or a place I can recommend to others, however, there is mostly an average experience in this city (especially when factoring in how expensive it is to dine out).  Although we do have plenty of celebrity chefs in Dubai, how many of their restaurants are actually worth a visit?  (Spoiler alert, not that many).  Anyway, at this particular venue, when dish after dish was a let down (to the point that I would not order anything we had during the evening again — my only real question when trying a place), I took to social media to gently (very gently) portray my disappointment.  I didn’t think much of it, especially as, in my opinion, I was going quite easy on the restaurant.  In the back of my mind, I knew someone wasn’t going to be happy, and thus, when I received a call from a PR person the following day, I knew exactly what the call was about.  The ask was professional and courteous.  I did take down the posts, and, have an open invite to go back to the restaurant.
  • Scene, hotel review posted on a global review site.  When I am paying for a venue, all bets are off.  When it is my money, I feel I have a right to share my experience in an honest, forthright manner.  When staying last summer in London, a well-regarded hotel did not make the mark.  At all.  When my review went live on a certain platform, I thought it professional that the GM reached out immediately, and wanted to schedule a call.  I agreed.  We spoke through my points.  I know some of you will say, ‘why didn’t you address this when you were at the property?’ and to that I respond, ‘I didn’t feel like it, I was on vacation.’  In the end – although not my intention – the GM offered to refund one of my nights, and personally oversee my next visit (should I be back in town).  All in, this won me over as a guest, and I do believe the points I brought up were addressed.

So, why did I take down these posts?  Social media laws are a very (very!) sensitive thing in the UAE, and it didn’t seem like the right time to challenge anyone, especially over something as silly as a less than flattering food review.  If I lived anywhere else in the world, it would be a big stretch to consider this.  However, at the second venue, with a calm tone and professional approach, not only am I invited back, but I thought the request from the team was genuine, and they truly want to put their best culinary foot forward.

Now, social media issues like these tend to pop up all over.  As I was recently talking to a friend about writing this post, she informed me her employer (!!!) had asked her to ‘tone down’ her presence on a particular platform.  While I only see a person expressing themselves in a fun and honest manner, her employer sees differently (which I find absolutely appalling on the part of the employer).  Similarly, I just stumbled across this post, which proves this is all part of a larger conversation — “a restaurant owner asked me to take down an online review.”


What would you have done in these situations?  Would you have taken down your posts?  Has anyone ever asked you to do something similar?

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