The slowest of weeks (and I loved it). I’m editing a book (draft 2, preparing the manuscript for my editor, due before we leave for home) and it was nice to have a week focused on writing, eating well, and getting to the gym. July is going to be a heavy month, and I was happy to get ahead of things.
- A great essay about never feeling alone when you cook.
- I started intermittent fasting. I’ve known multiple people who have achieved great success with this diet technique and after reading up on it, I’ve decided to give it a try. I’m on Day 5, but haven’t really had any challenges yet (i.e. a late review). I’m using the Zero app. Have you tried anything similar?
- Yet more reasons why I don’t consider myself an influencer. When I approach a property, it’s about how much coverage across multiple channels I can bring.
- I was on the radio (and rather sick at the time — that’s not my usual voice). I’ll post yesterday’s recording as soon as it is available.
- I want to go to here (props to Sarah for putting together a great video).
- Did you see the latest World’s 50 Best list? While I have an ongoing love/hate relationship with the list — I think professionals should be rewarded for their hard work, dedication, and craftsmanship — the players are still very much a) white and b) male. Year after year, this is the trend and I’d really like to see those at the top address what’s happening on a more serious level. That said, I’m looking forward to visiting The Ledbury and Clare Smith’s Core next month.
- On a serious note, in case you want to do something about what’s happening in my home country (USA). I know I don’t usually use this platform for anything but food and travel, however, there are limits. I donated yesterday to RAICES and would encourage you to do something similar (there are many organizations which are designed to help those who are in need). Also, if you are American (living in the States), please register to vote — we can turn the country around. I don’t accept what is happening.
I was on another episode of the Thursday Brunch yesterday (see below) and today I’ve been to the gym, organic store, and plan on getting more writing and editing done. I’m also looking forward to meeting a (hopefully) new friend tomorrow and getting out for a quick review. Next week looks like more of the same, but things will pick up next weekend — a going away, and a friend in town.
What are you up to this weekend?