I don’t know about you, but I’m a photo editing machine at the moment — desperately trying to get all my words and photos arranged from my trip to the St. Regis Maldives Vommuli resort last weekend (rest assured, it’s an amazing property). Given that I’m heading out to Rome on Saturday, it’s a busy time! Hope you’re up to something fun this weekend.
- How to make all your food taste better (allegedly).
- Museum of Fail.
- A Michelin star picnic in London? Color me interested.
- A holiday based around Olsen twins? Also, sounds amazing.
- How our diet impacts the earth. (Hint: eat less meat).
We’re seeing a movie tomorrow and then I’m off early to Abu Dhabi on Saturday morning. I’m fairly certain there will be a break until the next installment of weekend links. 🙂
Now you know.