Whew! What a week — and it’s not quite over yet.
- Black Garlic Doritos…just in time for October.
- Art of the Menu.
- Greg Malouf is going to be at Intersect by Lexus next week (too bad I’ll be away when he’s here).
- How much do you tip the delivery driver? (We usually do AED10, but AED5 if that’s all we have in the house. It’s one of the things I love about Deliveroo).
- Protecting ALL the varieties.
I’ve been out almost every day this week for a range of meals and it’s not slowing down! After going out to review Al Maha this morning, tonight I’m off to BOCA with a bunch of girlfriends and am very excited to try the Cellar Menu (which I’ve been eyeing for ages). Hopefully, it’s better than the last time I went out with some of the gang. On Friday, I’ll be popping over to Trader Vic’s and then I’d better start packing to Nepal (we leave next Wednesday). Somewhere in all of this I’ve got to get some reviews posted and edit a novel.
Your pic of the week: