AmStur Caviar @ Emirates Palace.

AmStur Caviar @ Emirates Palace.

Confession time.  I cannot remember a time when I specifically have eaten or ordered caviar.  Full disclosure?  As of yesterday morning, I was not confident on how exactly it should be eaten.  I know, you can take my foodie card away and revoke my privileges.  Of course, I believed blinis, along with some other special condiments, were involved with the consumption of caviar, but that’s about where my knowledge ended.

Enter, AmStur Caviar.

AmStur promotional image, used with permission.

First and foremost, caviar is a product, like champagne, that to me is immediately synonymous with luxury.  It is in a category of food you only see on the menus of elite restaurants, or an item presented to first class passengers.  Yesterday, at Emirates Palace, as Mr. Nick Narsavidze began to explain the different types of caviar, I didn’t realize how excited one person could be about the many details of caviar (and its consumption).  With an enthusiasm that was contagious, not only did we learn quite a bit about caviar, where it comes from and how it is produced, but we were soon all enjoying caviar in the way many purists deem it is to be eaten: directly off one’s hand.  (Had you told me I would be licking fish eggs from my body on Wednesday morning, I don’t think I would’ve believed you).

The reality of caviar is that it lives up to the hype as a luxuriously extravagant product.  Furthermore, I was impressed with the creative ways the kitchen was able to incorporate it into the dishes they shared.

AmStur promotional image, used with permission.
AmStur caviar
Honestly, what food wouldn’t be delicious when presented like this?

How lucky then, that Emirates Palace is offering caviar master class sessions in their signature restaurant, Sayad, during October.

Given how busy I was trying to take photos, listen to the information, and balance a glass of Laurent-Perrier (blogger skills FTW), I would be delighted to return for one of the two caviar masterclasses: one on October 6th and the other on October 20th (both starting at 7PM).  The Masterclass will be followed by an elegant four-course menu that includes fine caviar accompanied by bubbles and carefully selected grape beverages. The price per person is AED 450* (which seems highly reasonable given the location and product).

Sayad Abu Dhabi
I have this thing with floors…

Even more exciting?  AmStur Caviar will soon be available for home delivery and distribution in the UAE!  That’s right, you will soon be able to enjoy caviar from the comfort of your own home.  While the taste of the caviar lived up to the hype, what did I like most?  More than anything, I was impressed to see that AmStur offers an organic option, Organic Empress.  This caviar is certified sustainable by OceanWise, certified organic by Global Trust, and recognized by the Organic Trade Associate as certified organic.  While I realize many of my food choices (salmon) do not support the most sustainable practices, it is good to know there are options in the selection of caviar to make educated and sustainable choices.  The Empress caviar is farm raised and follows the species’ natural biological cycles.  (I’m happy to provide contact details if you have any further questions on the topic, or about delivery).

Do you have a favorite brand of caviar? How do you prefer to eat it?

A to Za’atar was a guest of Emirates Palace and AmStur, and appreciates the opportunity to learn about this product.  Opinions are my own, just ask my husband.

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