Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Donate here for Jacob Blake.

Extremely proud to see many Dubai F&B groups getting together for Save Beirut on August 30th.  If you plan on dining out next week, why not go to one of the establishments supporting the cause?

Words, words, words this week as I edit a final draft for an upcoming manuscript.  Palazzo Versace was kind enough to send over their signature afternoon tea (with lots of amazing pastry details), and Oregano sent their DIY pizza kit (nice, but I’ll stick with the professionals at PitFire).  Rise & Dawn also sent me an incredible selection of goodies (the garlic bread was a big fave), and Eat Go See and I went to KYO for dinner (and were surprised at the immense usage of dry ice).  3 Fils generously sent me their new African Powerhouse cake, which was luxurious. Finally, some meetings this week have me excited for the remainder of 2020.

Links, then?

Next week sees me at K9 (as always), a truffle workshop, and finally over to Mami Umami. This weekend I’m laying low and stepping out to try a class at Peach Lab Gym, who were kind enough to invite me for a free workout (no, I do not have plans to become a fitness influencer).

What do you have going on?

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