Weekend links, Corona Edition #7.

Weekend links, Corona Edition #7.

This week flew by, and I’m beginning to think my entire concept of time is now forever skewed. Yes, Dubai restaurants are open again, but with our numbers still rising/holding steady, I have no desire to leave the house and interact with more than 4 people at once.  As much as I want to support local chefs and the F&B community, it is (personally) too early for me to feel comfortable doing so.  With Ramadan added on top of things, I also feel awkward about dining out (especially during daylight hours).  I did drive this week, for the first time in over six weeks, as two dogs from K9 Friends needed their vaccinations.  That was enough excitement for me!

Hubs and I seem to have really hit our stride on the meal planning/prep thing and somehow have an abundance of food leftover this week – not sure how we got here. (Probably as a result of the gynormous brisket I was sent from Carnistore).

How about some links then?

With relaxed rules in place in Dubai, we might (might!) head over to see a friend this weekend, but let’s see.  In the meantime, all I want to drink are Mai Tais (and I really don’t know why).

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