How are you doing out there, team? Hubs officially started working from home on Wednesday, but otherwise, I’ve just been editing a ton and trying to get outside now and then (while maintaining safe distances).
- Really, I’ve been good about limiting my alcohol intake from home (not going out for events has actually helped me). So, does drinking less improve other habits?
- Translation: we all want to travel right now (but can’t).
- Hey — a photo of mine from one of my favorite trips last year.
- Love this — the satisfaction of using everything you have available.
- Foster a dog, get free beer. Love this initiative!!
- I posted this on Twitter, but the history of Triscuits (my favorite cracker) is a ride.
- Join me for a virtual happy hour tonight?
- And the trailer for the series (we had a lot of fun filming last weekend, and have plans for more episodes soon).
This weekend will be some version of virtual happy hour, and more meal prep. I don’t know, something about preparing food has always been part of our week, so it only makes sense to continue. I haven’t been to the grocery store in a while, so I’m curious to see how it is out there. We’re also expecting more rain (always an event in Dubai), so it will be time to once again get out every towel in the house to stop the leaks.
What did you get up to this week?