I had one low day where I just couldn’t do anything, but otherwise, it was a good week. I made it to K9 Friends for the first time since March, I wrote a lot, and I am still doing my best to continue exercising.
- Love the ‘new’ Noma opening (and would encourage other restaurants of this caliber to do the exact same thing).
- So, what is in an ‘adult’ pantry? (Spoiler alert, we don’t have a ton of these).
- Yes, you can freeze eggs (and no, not those eggs, the ones you eat).
- What processed food would you like to be able to create at home?
- All you need to know is tater tots.
- The true story of Chuck E Cheese (yes, you can order their pizzas).
- Some heated discussions about the best pancake mix (mmm, pancakes).
- I made my first focaccia (part of a Zoom cook along with Gaggenau), and it actually turned out okay! (No, we don’t actually have this range).
- I’ve wanted to get back to Japan, maybe this is a good reason?
- Would you buy a Friends cookbook?
- Self-promotion: if you want to take a (fictional) road trip this weekend, may I suggest buying a copy of Life After Joe?
We’ve got a long weekend ahead, so we might see the (same) person we’ve seen in all of this. I’m half expecting more stringent measures in the UAE, so of course, we’ll be compliant with current laws and regulations. We’ll also be cooking up an incredible Wagyu Tomahawk, compliments of my friends at Carnistore.
What are you up to?