While I didn’t pitch as much as I would’ve like to this week, I did make progress on a few projects. So, all in, I’m considering this week a win. I also had fun sitting on a judging panel over at Palazzo Versace (see the picture below) and made it to 20K followers on Instagram (perhaps this should feel like more of an accomplishment…).
- Finally, diners can enjoy Breakfast at Tiffany’s (full disclosure, I totes want to go).
- Women can (and should) drink anything they want.
- Similarly, women are not ruining food.
- Would you eat a pickle cupcake? (I probably would).
- A festival for a giant bowl of miso.
This weekend will be chill city — Flywheel, Organic Store, and over to 360 to check out their brunch on Friday night. I’m also hoping to spend a fair amount of time working on book marketing and research. Who knows? Maybe the pitch bug will bite me (I desperately hope so).
What are you up to in this fine weather?