My goal this week was to do more pitching, so that’s exactly what I did. One of those pitches has already paid off — Haiya and I spoke with BPG Cohn & Wolfe this morning. I was also able to attend the Big F&B Forum put on by Catering News ME. I got to see a lot of familiar faces, and agreed with some (but not all) of the winners. Links ahoy!
- I love many tiny things.
- Sharing my thoughts on upcoming travel trends.
- Why we should all stop using, asking or requesting straws. This is going to be a hard habit to break, but it’s important.
- Some thoughts on why restaurants fail in the UAE.
- Want a piece of Noma? (For the record, I thought the decor was a good match for the food).
- Planning an impeachment party. Keeping this on file, because, well, fingers crossed… And if you don’t think there is a bottle of good champagne waiting for when #45 is out of office in my fridge, then you don’t know me.
Tempted as I am by everything going on this weekend, the reality is it will be probably spent inside editing a manuscript, doing meal prep, and watching Stranger Things. I’m also preparing for a very busy week next week as I’ll be in Abu Dhabi for the launch of the Louvre and enjoying a tasting menu at JW’s, along with some additional networking opportunities.
What are you up to?