Weekend links.

Weekend links.

I just…didn’t have a lot of energy this week.  I’m not sure what to attribute it to, but I basically got on with my minimum activities (some form of exercise, and 1,000 words a day on my current manuscripts) and that’s about it.  I did record two more episodes of CSR of One, adopted a foster dog (welcome to the family, Poppy!), and volunteered at K9 Friends (it was a weirdly manic day), but it’s not a week I look back an am particularly proud of.

Some yummy deliveries that we are playing catch up with this week (including a gorgeous Wagyu from Carnistore, and some sweet treats from MunchBox).  Mostly chilling today, but checking out a dessert ‘tasting menu’ tonight at Brix.  We might pop over to see friends tomorrow, and perhaps see how Poppy feels about a car ride.

Have a great weekend!

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