Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A week centered mainly around writing (and planning and writing some more).  We did manage to go for a quick stay at Melia Desert Palm.

I’m finally (!) off to the States on Tuesday.  It does not look like the airline gods will look kindly on me (ask me about how I almost got a free upgrade with Emirates), so pray for an easy trip in economy on one of the longest flights in the world.  But it will be worth it!  I haven’t been to Los Angeles in six years, and there’s a lot of catching up to do.  I’ve got some nice meals planned, then the Google Local Guides Forum, and traveling East to meet my (adorable) niece for the first time.  I’ve also been asked on a trip to Paris at the end of the month, so… Goodbye, Dubai – for a bit!

What are you up to this weekend?

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