Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Goodness, October seems to want to get done in a hurry.  Last week saw me at GRIF, I was a ‘model’ of sorts at Caesars, and went out too much.  Hubs and I got our flu shots on Friday (after a super sweaty run) and my system has been adjusting ever since.  I was busy this week acting as a moderator and emcee at an event with Women in Pastry, and then met up with a few famous chefs for a few delicious courses at the Gather event at the JW Marriott Marquis.

If you’ve noticed I’m doing fewer reviews, it’s a good thing!  Basically, I’m now getting paid to write, often for different outlets, and as much as I love A to Za’atar, writing about the same place three different times is a bit overkill.  I should have new content coming out of my trip to the States next month, but I’ve also got paid projects, which really need to take the priority.  I’ll keep doing links, mostly because I love them.

This weekend is mostly about chilling — I’m at 90% of editing my current manuscript, and other than maybe (?) going to see what Reif is up to at a venue he’s consulting with, I’m okay to be at home.  There’s also the small matter of not having ANY plans for Los Angeles (arrival date, November 5th).  I’ve been playing a long game with some of the hotels, and not any of them have paid off.  Oh well, professional fail.  Next week has a few things going on, but I think I’ve managed to balance it correctly.

What are you up to this weekend?


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