Weekend Links.

Weekend Links.

I find once again in a weird waiting spot.  Some things didn’t work out this week — not that I expected them to, and some other things of interest came up (let’s wait and see).  The Google Local Guides are announced this week, and I just feel like I won’t be accepted (at least in the first round — potentially later in the year).  I’m not down on myself, I just think people went next level in their applications, and I don’t feel like I compare to them.  Anyway, inshallah I’ll be going to San Jose in November.

We’re off to Zanzibar early Tuesday morning, and I’m hoping to keep the momentum going with my new book.  As I am pointedly ignoring another book I should be editing, I’ve managed to tack on almost 10K words without really trying for my 2019 manuscript (I usually write a book a year).

Hope your weekend is relaxed!  (Also, how is it June already?)


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