It’s been a beat, hasn’t it? After quite a bit of travel, I’m now back in the UAE, and so ready to take on November! There’s plenty to do, but I’m ready to get back on track – diet, exercise, reviewing – you name it, I’m going to make November my month. October was fun, but not really balanced in any way.
- A car, and a hotel room? Why not? It even drives itself.
- The history of the supermarket.
- A feature about me from Dubai Travel Blog.
- All about inclusion. How to make food media more equitable.
- A look into travel writing / influencing / blogging.
- In case you missed my most recent episode on the radio.
Absolutely nothing on the cards this weekend. Although I should probably go out and review somewhere, I’ll just be on the radio talking about books on Saturday, if you’re interested. I’ll also be on a panel at GulfHost 2018 next Tuesday.
What are you up to this weekend?