Tag: weekend links

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

So, I might never come home…  That’s cool, right? Looking for food films? What your favorite writers drink.  (PS, this author loves bubbles of any kind). Merlot lollipops. Cheeky way of saving money by eating meal delivery kits (US). Grabby hands. We’re in Cairns and […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Greetings from Melbourne — tonight we’re dining at Attica and I couldn’t be more excited! Relevant to my interests when I am home — more about the food section at TJ Maxx. Noma Mexico’s use of native ingredients. More thoughts on going to Noma’s Mexico pop […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

It’s been a busy couple of weeks, full of some stress, but I’m now 100% looking forward to our trip to Australia — we leave tomorrow!  Here’s some new links to share: Fairly certain I’ve already posted this.  (But I still want to go). Have you […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Fairly certain I’ve written close to 10,000 words this week.  All the best (and worst) from my recent trip to Italy is queued up and will be coming at you sooner rather than later — stay tuned! Food writers share their favorite ‘safety’ drinks.  What’s […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

I don’t know about you, but I’m a photo editing machine at the moment — desperately trying to get all my words and photos arranged from my trip to the St. Regis Maldives Vommuli resort last weekend (rest assured, it’s an amazing property).  Given that […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

This week turned out much different than I originally thought it would!  I sincerely enjoyed my stay at the Viceroy Palm Jumeirah and am more than ready for a relaxed weekend. This melted my face — when food reviews go for the jugular.  (Everyone is […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A week of waiting… I tried to be as productive as possible, but I’m ready for too many things to confirm!  ‘Pending’ is not a fun place to live. ALL the best restaurants in one meal?  Seems like I might need to make a trip to […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Sorry gang!  Catching up from South Africa and balancing some additional reviews (I’ve still got a few to go) has kept me a bit busy in the past weeks — I hope you’ve been well! My kind of London tour (gin + tea = yay). […]

Weekend links.

Greetings from the gorgeous Siam hotel in sunny Bangkok.  I’ll be posting about this fabulous location soon! Two of my loves, book pairings for every flavor of Ben & Jerry’s.  (Reminds me of a certain protagonist I know). Ever wanted to know where your favorite […]