Tag: weekend links

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A busy week for me!  Back in action, I visited three restaurants this week, booked tickets home, booked tickets to Georgia, and managed to get a bit of writing done. Appeals to my design principles. The plate as a canvas. For my Aussies and Kiwis. […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Back from Zanzibar this morning and after a particularly wicked red eye (I am officially old), I am trying to get my head on straight and dust the cobwebs from my head.  Taking a week off was good, but I was ready to be home […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Still coming out of the fog of the flu, but managed to get to three (!) events this week.  I tested out the new Tapas menu at BOCA, went to one of the best launches I’ve ever been to at Morimoto, and managed to meet […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Hey gang – how was your week?  I had an insanely busy Wednesday (the gif this week comes from the launch of the Louvre Abu Dhabi rooftop terrace) and made it over to Garden for the Flavours of Peru menu on Sunday night.  This weekend […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A bit of this and that this week!  We had an unexpected out of town guest which led to a late night with Lebanese takeaway (some days you just have to give up on the diet).  I also finally made it to Pitfire Pizza, got […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Hey gang – how was your week?  I went to a disappointing steak restaurant, always fun karaoke, and a lovely cafe in La Mer — reviews all coming soon.  We’re going for brunch today at Peyote, so I need to hurry up and get ready! […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Hi there!  I hope you had a productive week.  As you can probably tell, I’m still on a bit of a reduced posting / review schedule, while I work on my new novel and generally try to improve my health and well-being.  I did manage to […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A busy week for me…but not in food.  I’ve written 6,000 words on a new manuscript, and I’m loving it.  I’m also working on formatting the second book in my trilogy and getting some new covers together.  I didn’t pitch as much as I’d like, […]

Weekend links (and an update).

Weekend links (and an update).

Hey gang — I’m not dead.  I’ve been busy finishing a book (it’s done!), and well, I think it’s okay for a short break in reviews.  I’ve been going almost non-stop for the past…forever, so focusing on getting to the gym and not drinking has […]