Tag: foodie links

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Yes, I’ve been quiet this month…really, this year, however, I get the feeling that the second half of the year is going to be absolutely packed.  I still love food, but I’ve not felt inspired about dining in awhile.  Given some of the celebrated venues […]

Weekend Links.

Weekend Links.

The slowest of weeks (and I loved it).  I’m editing a book (draft 2, preparing the manuscript for my editor, due before we leave for home) and it was nice to have a week focused on writing, eating well, and getting to the gym.  July […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Hey gang – how was your week?  I had an insanely busy Wednesday (the gif this week comes from the launch of the Louvre Abu Dhabi rooftop terrace) and made it over to Garden for the Flavours of Peru menu on Sunday night.  This weekend […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A bit of this and that this week!  We had an unexpected out of town guest which led to a late night with Lebanese takeaway (some days you just have to give up on the diet).  I also finally made it to Pitfire Pizza, got […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Hey gang – how was your week?  I went to a disappointing steak restaurant, always fun karaoke, and a lovely cafe in La Mer — reviews all coming soon.  We’re going for brunch today at Peyote, so I need to hurry up and get ready! […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A busy and productive week — my favorite kind!  I had a lot of fun filming my latest episode for What’s Cooking UAE, and, actually NOT doing any restaurant reviews! In your mind, does circle food = sweet food? In town, Spinneys moves towards food […]

Weekend Links.

Weekend Links.

I hope you’re feeling better than I am!  I got my annual cold and it’s not fun. Designing restaurants for sound.  This is music to my misophonic ears. I like the idea that grocery lists haven’t changed much in hundreds of years. Why yes, I am […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

With two days in Abu Dhabi last week (one for SIAL and one for the Conde Nast Travel forum), the remaining days of last week were a bit busy.  I’m also filming my next episode for What’s Cooking UAE tomorrow.  Links ahoy: All the food […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A wonderfully productive week here at A to Za’atar, full of great food and conversation, how was yours? Best holiday gifts for your favorite foodie who travels. A couple who decide to take their love of casual dining to the next level…by naming their daughter […]