Tag: food blog

Zeezout: Divine Lunch in Rotterdam.

Zeezout: Divine Lunch in Rotterdam.

You might be noticing a trend here, but on Hubs’ and I recent trip to the Netherlands this summer, we fell into a great habit of having a busy morning and then treating ourselves to a long, indulgent lunch (the best kind of holiday!).  After […]

30 Day Food Blog Challenge.

30 Day Food Blog Challenge.

I couldn’t find any, so I made a 30 Day Food Blog Challenge of my own!  Feel free to share or take the challenge yourself.  I also have it saved as a Pin, if that’s easier.

L’Atelier: A Treat in Bucharest.

L’Atelier: A Treat in Bucharest.

After we did a dine in at home, at the recommendation of one of the chefs, my traveling companion and I made the decision for our last night in Bucharest to dine at L’Atelier, an upscale dining option attached to the Hotel Epoque. Reservations?  Given […]