Tag: fine dining UAE

My Top Dishes of December 2017.

My Top Dishes of December 2017.

Best of the year and best of the month?  That’s a lot of pressure for December!  There were some standouts this month, and it was a great way to finish the year.  2018 has a lot to live up to if it’s going to be as […]

The Experience by Reif Othman: Dubai’s original fine dining.

The Experience by Reif Othman: Dubai’s original fine dining.

Let me start by admitting something to all of you; I had purposely been saving this venue for a special occasion.  Knowing I was in for something unique, I specifically avoided dining at The Experience by Reif Othman until I had something suitable on the […]

Circo: Primo Italian…in Abu Dhabi?

Circo: Primo Italian…in Abu Dhabi?

Welcoming guest blogger, The New Glitterati, to the team!  The fact I was invited to this dinner (and instead went to Social) makes me super sad — it clearly would have been worth the trip.  And a warning, do not read while hungry!! Overview Abu […]