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Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Steady as she goes.  I’m editing an old YA book, while waiting for a major copywriting job to take off.  I had a busy week of deliveries including Dan’s Home Food (for those in need of pasties and pies, although we liked the fish and […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Honestly, where did this week go?  This was probably the most active I’ve been outside of the house since March.  I finally visited The Maine (those chandeliers!), revisited LahLah (a brilliant ladies night, AED119), and tried the new season at Tresind Studio (just go, you’ll […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A perfectly steady week (with late nights that I probably could’ve done without, but they felt good towards getting back to normal).  I made it out to BB (with a brief drop in to see my boys at BOCA) and over to a last-minute invite […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A week where things started to pick up, believe it or not.  So close to finishing my book (!), the new season of CSR of One starts next week, I went out for dinner (twice!), and generally just had a healthy week all around. Love […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A relatively busy and productive week, with a hair cut and color (for the first time since March 10th), and some yummy treats delivered (thank you, Roberto’s and Home Bakery). Would eat ramen pizza? In the whimsical category, here is some food jewelry. But does […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A steady week including upping my word count (hitting 50K!), meeting a new (and crazy talented) friend, an actual food review (well done to Hanami), and getting some seriously generous food deliveries (thanks to Reach My Kitchen, 3 Fils, and The Broth Lab for keeping […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

I just…didn’t have a lot of energy this week.  I’m not sure what to attribute it to, but I basically got on with my minimum activities (some form of exercise, and 1,000 words a day on my current manuscripts) and that’s about it.  I did […]

Popular Dishes from the Middle East.

Popular Dishes from the Middle East.

Today we welcome a collaborative post from a talented contributor.  Enjoy, C.  Are you figuring out what to order from your local Middle Eastern restaurant? Middle Eastern food is known for its rich aromas, unique flavours, variety of spices, and the most important thing, the […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A steady week with lots of words, aka, my kind of week.  I also watched an absolute ton of Bargain Mansion on HGTV, and now I want to paint an accent wall in my office.  I walked Poppy, our foster dog.  On the topic of […]