Flaming Chicken Cheeto and Oman chips sushi rolls, Oh my! A visit to Moshi.

Flaming Chicken Cheeto and Oman chips sushi rolls, Oh my!  A visit to Moshi.

When an invitation came in for a summer sample menu at Moshi while I was away last week, I was devastated.  After all, sushi is one of my favorite food groups.  I crossed my fingers and asked if I could come in this week and my request was granted — result!  While not my favorite job, I did work near Lamcy Plaza for a time, so was relatively familiar with the Oud Metha location (really, only 20ish minutes from my beloved JVC).  Parking in a nearby lot was plentiful (but this was the middle of the day).  Upon arrival, I was warmly greeted and taken care of (a theme that lasted throughout the meal).

Mr. Moshi was on hand himself to answer many of my questions.  As a proprietor, I found him to be hands on, engaging and quite creative (falafel nigiri, anyone?).  Many of the dishes on the menu are his conceptions.  The plates I sampled are billed as a summer menu (but look for many of these selections to find a permanent home at the end of August).  Of the batch, I enjoyed the Cheeto roll and Za’atar maki the best, and wished I had left room for the out of this world Nutella roll (honestly, if you are too full, just order it for takeaway, you won’t be disappointed).

Moshi UAE
You’ve had Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, but have you had them on a sushi roll?
Moshi UAE
You had me at chips…
Moshi UAE
Za’atar and Labneh maki. (I had to pick off the olives — one of the only foods I don’t like, but seriously refreshing… It’s a weird concept to use with sushi rolls, but really, the cucumber does the trick!)
Moshi UAE
Mr. Moshi’s fave on the menu, the volcano roll (tasty with a kick).
nutella sushi
Promise me you will leave room for this… PROMISE ME!

As I worked my way through MANY of the plates, I realized, there is a time and place for Zuma or Nobu (should you want to go high end), but there should also be a space for fun and fusion.  I think Moshi does a fine job of this.  Furthermore, while many people are turned off by the very idea of raw fish (why, I have no idea), there is much of the Moshi menu that is cooked and/or vegetarian.  See below from the founder:

“I wanted to change the myth of sushi being raw. People who shied away from sushi for years are now sushi-lovers. The smile people give when they try our sushi and momos for the first time is something I love. When I see them return, I know they are truly hooked and are turning into Moshians.”

– Mr. Moshi

But, beyond the unique rolls, do you know what I love the most?  ‘From every bill at Moshi, we give 5% towards a construction workers meal.’  I mean, really, how awesome is that?  I wish more restaurants would follow this lead.  A look at the prices and this is not the type of place that will break the bank — everything is well within reason for sushi establishments in the city.

There are two locations in Dubai.  I went to the Oud Metha property (and now realize that the Barsha property delivers to my area – bonus!).

Have you tried an unusual roll?  What were the ingredients?

You can find more great recipes and product reviews from our friends at the Village Bakery.

A to Za’atar was a guest of Moshi Momo & Sushi.  Opinions are my own, just ask my husband.

Moshi - Momo & Sushi Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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