When the captain of our boat suggested we stop by a restaurant on our return from Capri to our hotel (sidebar: renting a private boat > ferry to Capri), we shrugged and thought, ‘He’s a local guy, so he probably knows best.’ And I’m glad we decided to follow his advice. While I’m sure there are any number of fantastic places to eat on the island of Capri, I have to admit I enjoyed pulling up and having a small dinghy come to collect our group to deliver us to the dock of Conca del Sogno (‘the basin of dreams’), one of the most remote restaurants I’ve ever had the pleasure of enjoying. Cut into a small inlet, this venue is equal parts bar, beach club, and restaurant (but not touristy at all). Hungry from our climb of Capri (the many steps were worth it) and better balanced after clearing our heads from the extensive celebrations the night before, we were more than ready to tuck into the menu (and another bottle of prosecco).
Everyone in the group leaned heavily towards the seafood on offer (which are included in many of the dishes) and within minutes we made quick work of the food in front of us (including the surprise amuse bouche — stuffed ricotta zucchini flowers — for the table). While I wouldn’t say there were any stand out plates (all of them were entirely pleasant), I would mention that this is a one of a kind experience and definitely worth stopping at.

Would I go back? Away from the bustle and tourists of Capri, this is a hidden gem I would be happy to return to (just make sure someone else is doing the boating or driving). Should you find yourself with a lazy afternoon, make plans to spend them at Conca del Sogno.
What’s the most remote place you’ve dined at?
[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3030.005202354665!2d14.361754751720802!3d40.58564057924448!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x133b9c4155555555%3A0x2bb0e328a703daea!2sRistorante+Conca+Del+Sogno!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sae!4v1495538696183&w=600&h=450]