Weekend Links

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

The past two weeks have been a bit…unique.  I filmed a segment for my first international television show (more details when I can share them).  I was requested to film another segment in the Maldives with another group… I honestly don’t think anything will happen […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

It was a busy trip home to the States, but I’m back in action and excited to see where July will take me! For my POC culinary ladies. On (sort of) the same subject: the history of feminist restaurants. With my Room 702 included (!), […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Back from a relaxed trip to Zanzibar, and straight into things this week.  I went to the absolutely fantastic Phoenix Social Club (review soon), as well as Martabaan in Abu Dhabi for their launch.  Also, despite my pessimistic thinking, I was accepted to the Google […]

Weekend Links.

Weekend Links.

I find once again in a weird waiting spot.  Some things didn’t work out this week — not that I expected them to, and some other things of interest came up (let’s wait and see).  The Google Local Guides are announced this week, and I […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A weekend I would much rather forget, as a car trade in has gone about as well as I would expect in the UAE…  It’s funny, just when I think things have progressed, then an event comes along and even after paying for a car […]

Weekend Links.

Weekend Links.

It’s been a quiet week, as I’ve been on a meal plan with Keto Life UAE.  I should be doing a separate post later about the menu.  It’s been a good ‘restart’ to cut down on sugar (which I am forever eating too much of).  […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A busy couple of weeks – hope you’ve been well!  Here’s a few bits and bobs from around the web. An interesting discussion about how we photograph ethnic food (and why it matters). What does NatGeo have to say against travel influencers? When did influencing […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

It’s been a beat, hasn’t it?  If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you’ll note the two amazing properties I visited — the Four Seasons Desroches and the Four Seasons Seychelles.  I’ll mostly be writing about them for other publications, but will certainly link to […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A busy week – and one you’ll be hearing all about in the next post.  Anyway, I’m officially 39.  Go me. How not to put together a press trip. The women of champagne (and one of the main reasons I love Veuve so much). This […]