Weekend Links

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Whew! One of my busier weeks in the recent past.  With all the eating done (and still some to go), I didn’t manage to get a lot of links together, so please enjoy what I did find. Just a few links to share: A mystery […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

There was a large amount of hustle this week — I’m hoping it pays off in the weeks ahead!  Keep those fingers crossed. Scarlet Johansson has a gourmet popcorn place in Paris, because why not?  I would go. Someone want to send me this Try […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

I was sick, then I got better.  I got caught up on a lot of things and even managed to finish writing a book.  I also had a truly incredible meal last night at Stay by Yannick Alleno, which I can’t wait to write about! […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Back from Nepal — hopefully I’ll get to my two hotel reviews in the near future.  Nepal definitely lived up to my expectations and I encourage everyone to visit this very special country.  Also, I’m fairly infatuated with DWC and will look to take more […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

For a short week, it was a busy one!  I finally made it to Carnival (by Tresind — thanks to Zoe, for letting me tag along). Traveling to Nepal has also pretty much dominated my time!  not a lot of reliable interwebs here.  Anyway, more […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Whew!  What a week — and it’s not quite over yet. Black Garlic Doritos…just in time for October. Art of the Menu. Greg Malouf is going to be at Intersect by Lexus next week (too bad I’ll be away when he’s here). How much do […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Bali was nothing short of amazing, and I can’t wait to share some of the meals we had with you!  In case you missed it, I’ve already posted about the two places we stayed at while in Indonesia (both recommended).  In the meantime, links for […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Eid put a bit of a spanner in my productivity this week, but I did manage to get to a few more restaurants than usual.  Upcoming reviews will include Gaucho and Parkers (both recommended) and I’m going to a meeting today at Cycle Bistro (I’ve […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Although it may not look like it, I did a lot of hustle this week — hoping it pays off in the coming weeks and months!  I also caught up on the new season of Chef’s Table: France, which I absolutely loved.  Every episode of […]