Best of the Month

My Top Dishes of July 2019.

My Top Dishes of July 2019.

July was certainly a busy month!  Between Paru, a repeat visit to Phoenix Social Club, trying Chapter 2 at Tresind Studio, Lah Lah, and others in the UAE, plus dining around Dublin, I was a happy foodie.  I’m also proud that I’ve started making some […]

My Top Dishes of June 2019.

My Top Dishes of June 2019.

Wowzers, June was a loooooong month.  Having visited two countries in between a few meals in town, an outstanding Macallan event, and attending Eat DXB, there was a lot of food! So, what was the most memorable? The Toast, Crown Jewel. Assorted dips and Tandoor […]

My Top Dishes of May 2019.

My Top Dishes of May 2019.

Given that Ramadan took up most of the month, and I was on a Keto diet for a week, there weren’t a ton of opportunities for me to dine out.  You know what?  That was completely okay!  Not every month has to be a whirlwind […]

My Top Dishes of April 2019.

My Top Dishes of April 2019.

Is it just me, or did April certainly come and go in a hurry?  I had a mostly well balanced month with lots of highs.  In no particular order: Sashimi, Tori No Su.  Give me all that fatty tuna, yo!! Porterhouse, Chicago Meatpackers.  Sometimes, a […]

My Top Dishes of March 2019.

My Top Dishes of March 2019.

March certainly kept me busy.  Even with a cold mid-month, there was still plenty going on.  Overall, I feel very good about my balance this month, and will endeavor to do more of the same in April.  This means, sticking to my diet (more than […]

My Top Dishes of February 2019.

My Top Dishes of February 2019.

If I’m honest, February came in went in a flurry of mainly average and some disappointing outings.  Add into this book club, radio visits, getting a very stubborn visa renewed, having to fly home to the States and more events than I originally intended and […]

My Top Dishes of January 2019.

My Top Dishes of January 2019.

It was a whirlwind month – one with overpriced meals, color themed parties, 40th birthday parties, high-end alcohol events, and looking after one small long dog.  I really could have done without the cold that refuses to die, but that will teach me for not getting […]

My Top Dishes of December 2018.

My Top Dishes of December 2018.

While not my busiest month, at least I got out there a bit.  And there’s plenty to come in January!  We certainly got out and about, with plenty of great dishes to experience.  In no particular order: Layover in Poland, Kizmet. Taramasalata, Villamore. Ceviche, Andes. […]

My Best Three Meals in 2018.

My Best Three Meals in 2018.

Well, here we are at the end of another year — one full of amazing meals.  The competition wasn’t quite as fierce as 2017 (and hey, remember that time we walked out of a James Beard recognized venue?), but there were still a number of […]