Hi there – I’m Courtney, an American expat who seeks to share unique culinary and hospitality experiences from the UAE and beyond. I’m currently living in Dubai and have lived in the GCC since 2007. I have seen the region change and grow – it’s been an exciting process! I love flying up front, Veuve Clicquot, salmon sashimi, salsa dancing, Magnolia’s banana pudding, volunteering with K9 Friends, beauty boxes, formal shorts, kawaii stickers, being a feminist, and sharing my love of exploring and fine dining with the world. I enjoy hotels so much I even wrote a novel about one! (PS, If you want to know what a week in my food world looks like, search no further.)
If you’re looking for reviews of restaurants, I would love for you to follow or subscribe to my page, so you can read all the latest updates. You might also want to follow my Instagram account, where I am quite active, or on Zomato. If you’re interested in working with me in a professional capacity, please look here for further details.
If you’re looking for an internship in the field of PR, Marketing, or Communications, I’d love to have your assistance in taking my page to the next level.
If you are not a regular food blogger, but would like to share a special restaurant experience, I’d love to have you join as a guest blogger.
If you are interested in bespoke shopping or dining experience in Dubai, I can help you plan a memorable and unique session.
And if you’re looking for a few tips about getting started as a food blogger, I’ve got you covered.
Finally, I also blog under my nom de plume.
Bon appetit!

..places lived..
• Atlanta •
• Los Angeles •
• Dubai •
• Abu Dhabi •
• Doha •
Please note all reviews on the blog are paid for by myself unless otherwise noted.
All photos are mine, unless noted and credited otherwise.
The Fine Print for A to Za’atar: Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any material on this blog without express and written permission from the blog’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to A to Za’atar with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. All content provided on the A to Za’atar blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner of A to Za’atar will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information.