A week with a bit of this and that. Although I won’t be writing about Mix by Alain Ducasse (mainly because it was not an experience I can say nice things about, AED420 for pasta, why?). Fortunately, the company (my new book club) was lovely. The following night was spent at Oak Room, at the Edition Abu Dhabi, which was simply wonderful. There will definitely be a review forthcoming, and if you live in AUH, I would encourage you to book a meal there soon.
- Menu art in New York.
- My latest for Dubai Eye.
- Unrelated to food, but I’m speaking on a panel at the Emirates Airlines Festival of Literature. I’d love to see you there!
- Best classic cocktails from literature.
- Poop emoji ice cream, because that’s the world we’re living in.
- Some good tips on growing a website.
I’m a bit in the weeds at the moment about 15 projects I’ve started but not yet finished, so here’s hoping I make some progress this weekend. Other than that, we’re checking out a full-fat breakfast at Black Tap and going to a secret color themed party. At this point, I’m actually more excited about the brekkie than the party, but I guess we have to try everything in life at least once, right?
Hope you have a great one, peeps!