Hey there and thanks for bearing with me while I get my website fully migrated to its new platform! Sorry if a few posts have gone missing, but hopefully they’ll turn up soon (and have not been permanently misplaced). Technology! (*shakes fists like an old person*)
- Another gin related reason to visit London.
- A case against the Instagram food aesthetic. Personally, I love food and sharing my plates with others through photography.
- In other Instagram related news, how IG is transforming the modern restaurant.
- A cruise all about wine? I’m interested.
- A bagel donut hybrid with cream cheese and lox. Yas.
I am going to be laying low over the weekend and trying to finish a book as well as a number of posts that need attention (as well as trying to cut back on my booze and food consumption). That glam blogger life, yo! I also had a promising meeting with a certain food related television show based in the UAE that I will hopefully become a part of (in some capacity).
What are you up to these days?