Weekend links.

Weekend links.

A steady week with lots of words, aka, my kind of week.  I also watched an absolute ton of Bargain Mansion on HGTV, and now I want to paint an accent wall in my office.  I walked Poppy, our foster dog.  On the topic of current events, I’m not giving myself a pat on the back, but I was able to have a conversation this week with a friend and WOC who basically said, ‘thanks.’ I think she was awesome to say so, especially after some of the stuff she’s been through, and I hope to continue to use my networks to reach others.  Sometimes I think I’m shouting into a void.

Hubs and I were invited to Khyber this weekend, so why not…?  Book club will also be in session on Sunday, our first since early March.

What are you up to this weekend?

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