I tentatively revoke the ‘Corona Edition’ addition on the links. We’re certainly not down to the numbers in New Zealand, but the UAE is finally in a downward trend (mostly). I had some actual (?) progress (??) this week. Two calls yielded the potential of some future projects, and, as ever, I remain optimistic. Well, optimistic about life getting back to normal here in Dubai. Elsewhere, I had some thoughts.
Some links, er, distractions?
- Making meals more fun at home. Given that I’ve about reached my end of wanting to make food, this was timely.
- An excellent letter from the editor from Kitchn.
- Why use a knife with peanut butter, when you can just squeeze it?
- What do upcoming food and travel television shows look like?
- This is one of the many reasons why I NEVER want to be associated with influencers.
- Only posting this because of the title, ‘Who wants to get crunk at Cracker Barrel?’
- Some black-owned restaurants to support.
- I spoke on an Arabian Travel Market panel about effects COVID could have on food-driven travel. Watch the video here, and some coverage from Caterer here (thanks, Simon!). And yes, this has been a long time goal of mine.
- I also posted my first recipe with Truffle House.
- Want to help Black Lives Matter? Don’t know where to start? I found this series of links very helpful.
- Similarly, how the food world can help BLM.
Going to check out Reif’s new place at Nakheel Mall today, and potentially trying home delivery from Indochine! Otherwise, still keeping close to home. What are you up to?