As usual, it’s been a beat. I’ve been out and about – ranging from purely mediocre (Nassau), to above average (The Locale, Hutong, and Nammos), to fantastic (Indochine, LPM Terrace launch, and the pop-up burger at High Joint). Sort of a mixed bag these past few weeks — especially in my rule of only going out when it’s a paid assignment. Oops! Striving to be better the next few weeks.
- A zero-calorie sweetener that’s sustainable?
- New words to describe different food feels.
- I really don’t know how to describe this video.
- James Bond + hotels.
- On being a female food critic.
- As someone who eats too many carbs, *grabby hands.*
- On the radio.
- No to the no.
This weekend we’re off to Abu Dhabi to check out the new W Abu Dhabi, and next week has some potential – but, as usual, I’m waiting to hear back on a few projects. Keep your fingers crossed!