Much as I thought January would do, we’ve more or less sprinted through it! Since the start of the year, we’ve said goodbye to two foster animals (another three-legged cat — adopted by a friend, and a cutie Shih Tsu puppy, also in her forever home), visited Oman for three nights, stopped in for a venue launch or two, and most importantly — moved house! Yes, it’s been a few months in the making, but I’m writing from my new office (instead of the landing, where I had been set up for four years). We don’t have anything up on the walls yet, but we’re working on lights and some other things (including washing and drying ALL everything I own, because I have a separate washer and dryer for the first time in 20 years).
Here are some links, if you’re interested!
- Food and romance novels are at the intersection of my interests!
- How do you become a graphic designer for restaurants?
- What is the best form of instant noodles? (I am #teampacket).
- I’ve mentioned this before, but I love reading how other people decide what words to use and not use when describing food (and yes, I’ve been made fun of for this, which still doesn’t make sense to me — words have meaning, even in food writing).
- Similarly, how to write about ‘foreign foods.’
- Can you eat meat in today’s climate?I hope you’ve been well! As we settle into the new place, I’m hoping to share other hacks and changes we’re adding. Watch this space. I was also part of another cookbook, releasing next month.