Weekend Links

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Not quite as busy as last week, but still some good food over the past seven days! All the Big-Name Chefs Who Refused to Work With Donald Trump #mypeople Imagining an Affordable Live/Work Space for Foodies 100 years ago, people were eating things that most of us will […]

Weekend links.

A low-key week here at A to Za’atar…  Saving up for my energy next week, perhaps? A robot that makes sushi? Sorcery with a cucumber. Article: I tried the Instagram foodie diet. This is me.  Confessions of a Coffee Non-Drinker. New dream job: Wine Queen. Buy […]

Weekend links.

Last week got away from me…  So, here’s some new links, hot off the press!  And, what do you think of the new look for my blog?  I’m finally happy with it!  For now. World’s Best Chef Slums It Best road trip Sandwich What do […]

Weekend links.

Goodbye, July!  I’m not even sure what I did this month…  Some links for your weekend: Greatest dinner parties in cinema history. Take my love of Wes Anderson and my appreciate of bees and you get… Can one put burgers and Manhattans together?  Should they? […]

Weekend links.

Weekend links.

Hey there and happy Thursday! Did you catch Table Number 7’s review of Namaaz?  Some great reading on a very exciting restaurant in Jakarta! Some thoughts on tomatoes. What to drink, according to your sign. There’s Actually A Historic Reason Ancient Statues Have Teeny Tiny […]

Weekend Links.

Weekend Links.

Settling into July — how about you? Is Sushi ‘Healthy’?  What About Granola?  Where Americans and Nutritionists Disagree. A brutal look at food safety (not for the faint of heart).  Reading this makes me realize I need to step up my game on a few […]

Weekend links.

Eid Mubarak! Would you go to a restaurant that only serves cereal? Cute necklace. Yes, I will enjoy frites and waffles on a plane. Would you drink cotton candy and gold? Sure, you don’t NEED champagne flutes, but they are just so pretty! After a […]

Weekend Links.

Weekend Links.

A busy but super productive week.  I wish they could all be like this! Say it with me, Cat wine. Balloons for my next party. Rose gummy bears. Made me smile. Extremely Low Budget Meals Made to Look Gourmet. One of my favorite things I’ve […]

Weekend Links.

Weekend Links.

Sorry gang — I missed last week!  All the travel and visiting caught up with me and now I’m completely in a post-holiday funk.  Hope you enjoy this week’s links. A trick to make me drink more wine?  Doesn’t take much. A very belated congrats […]